The Life Of Jesus:
Sermon On The Mount

Bird's Eye View
Jesus needs help. He chooses a leadership team of twelve disciples from among the many following him. Together they travel throughout Galilee, Samaria and Judea teaching and healing. But these bumbling, eager, and confused disciples need training!
The Sermon on the Mount and Luke’s similar collection called the Sermon on the Plain are Discipleship 101 as taught by Jesus. We'll spend four weeks digging into this gold mine. But first, we'll do a bird’s-eye view of the material to see if we can identify major themes. (We can!)
We cover Matthew 5:1-7:29; 19:4; Mark 3:13-19; 10:1-12; Luke 6:12-16, 20-49; 11:1-4, 9-13; 12:57-59

Light, Salt, Anger & Lust
Jesus’ premise in the Sermon on the Mount is that he is the light of the world sent to bring Good News to all the people--and we are too. This is what all the Law and the Prophets point towards, and we are to help him fulfill every last one of God's wonderful promises.
But we can’t fake it. We have to start by dealing with our junk, specifically our anger and our lust. We also hear Jesus’ teachings on adultery and divorce in this class.
We cover Matthew 5:13-32; 19:1-12; Mark 10:1-12; Luke 12:57-59

God, Money & Power
What does Jesus mean we should be perfect? That’s impossible, right? Nope. If Jesus says something that seems impossible, we are misunderstanding somehow.
Jesus continues to teach his disciples how to be disciples. He gives lots of examples and they seem to center around learning to be humble, laying down our pride, and holding our possessions with an open hand. He says we cannot trust both God and money.
And Jesus extends that humility into our relationships with others. We talk about what it means to “turn the other cheek.”
We cover Matthew 5:38-48; 6:1-8,16-21,24; 7:13-23 ; Luke 6:27-36

Forgiveness & Beatitudes
We finish the Sermon on the Mount today. Jesus talks about forgiving others for their slip-ups and not judging them. He talks about the importance of setting healthy boundaries.
He also talks about the importance of staying in our own lane and not trying to fix everyone else. And he reminds us that we actually cannot control much at all, so it’s better to take things one step at a time and trust God with the outcome.
At the end we circle back to the beginning and look more closely at the Beatitudes.
We cover Matthew 5:3-12,33-37; 6:9-15,25-34; 7:1-12; Luke 6:20-26,37-49; 11:1-13