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The Jesse Tree is an Advent Tradition.

Make an ornament to go with each day's story and hang it on a bare branch or on your Christmas tree.


Each of the 31 stories is only about 5 minutes long. 


The ornaments can be as simple as a line drawing on a piece of paper. Keep it simple and fun for everyone.


If you'd like to see the set I purchased, click here.


A special downloadable PDF version is available until Dec 14 here!

Jesse Tree

Advent Day 1

The symbol today is a bright sun.


Creation. The Word spoke. Let there be light.

Jesse Tree Day 1Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 04:53

Genesis 1-2; John 1:1-5,14; Proverbs 8:22-31


Advent Day 2

The symbol today is a fruit tree.


Two mysterious trees: The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Jesse Tree Day 2Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 07:04

Genesis 3; 1 Corinthians 13; Galatians 5:22-23; Revelation 22:1-2


Advent Day 3

The symbol today is a scene in a field.


Cain and Abel. The first murder.

Jesse Tree Day 3Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 03:01

Genesis 4:1-15


Advent Day 4

The symbol is an ark on a stormy sea.


Noah, the Ark and lots of animals.

Jesse Tree Day 4Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 05:33

Genesis 6-9


Advent Day 5

The symbol today is a boy on an altar.


Abraham, Sarah and their miracle son Isaac.

Jesse Tree Day 5Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 07:15

Genesis 12-22


Advent Day 6

The symbol today is a camel.


Rebekah, the bride with the water jar and the generous heart.


Oops! I refer to Rebekah's father in this segment. It was actually her brother!

Jesse Tree Day 6Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 05:42

Genesis 24


Advent Day 7

The symbol today is a stairway
with angels going up and down it.


Dreaming of a Ladder.


Oh, good grief. Sometimes I get carried away telling the story. Another correction: Isaac only gives Jacob his blessing. Esau himself sold Jacob the inheritance in return for a bowl of stew.

Jesse Tree Day 7Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 08:18

Genesis 27


Advent Day 8

The symbol today is the Lion of Judah.


Blessing the 12 sons of Israel.
Judah gets a special blessing.

Jesse Tree Day 8Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 03:04

Genesis 49


Advent Day 9

The symbol today is a coat of many colors.


Joseph--and his big mouth.

Jesse Tree Day 9Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 10:02

Genesis 37, 39-47


Advent Day 10

The symbol today is a burning bush.


God rescues the Hebrews.

Jesse Tree Day 10Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 08:19

Exodus 1-13


Advent Day 11

The symbol today is a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire.


God in sight.

Jesse Tree Day 11Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 04:56

Exodus 14-15


Advent Day 12

The symbol today is a clay jar used for storage.


Manna in the desert. God provides.

Jesse Tree Day 12Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 04:56

Exodus 16


Advent Day 13

The symbol today is a stone tablet.


The Ten Commandments and the Law.
Written by God's own hand.

Jesse Tree Day 13Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 03:58

Exodus 19-31


Advent Day 14

The symbol today is the Ark of the Covenant.


The Traveling Box of Promises.

Jesse Tree Day 14Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 03:09

Exodus 37:1-9


Advent Day 15

The symbol today is a red cord handing from a window.


Rahab, prostitute, heroine, ancestor of Jesus.

Jesse Tree Day 15Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 05:45

Joshua 2:1-21


Advent Day 16

The symbol today is a sheaf of wheat.


Ruth and Boaz. Love at first sight.

Jesse Tree Day 16Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 06:12

The Book of Ruth


Advent Day 17

The symbol today is the town of Bethlehem.


O Little Town of Bethlehem.

Jesse Tree Day 17Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 04:59

Micah 5:1-5


Advent Day 18

The symbol today is a sheep.


David, shepherd of God's people.

Jesse Tree Day 18Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 04:59

1 Samuel 17-31; 2 Samuel; Psalm 23


Advent Day 19

The symbol today is Solomon's Temple.


The man of war yields to the God of Peace.

Jesse Tree Day 19Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 03:04

2 Samuel 7


Advent Day 20

The symbol today is Jonah and the Whale.


What happens when people listen...or not.

Jesse Tree Day 20Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 09:53

The Book of Jonah


Advent Day 21

The symbol today is a lion with a lamb.


For unto us a child is born..

Jesse Tree Day 21Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 05:24

Isaiah 9:1-3,6-7; Isaiah 11:1-10


Advent Day 22

The symbol today is a stone mason.


Zerubbabel and the Second Temple.

Jesse Tree Day 22Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 05:14

Ezra 1-6; Haggai 2:23; Zechariah 4:6


Advent Day 23

The symbol today is the star of David.


There are lots of stars in the Jesus story.

Jesse Tree Day 23Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 06:00

Matthew 2:1-12


Advent Day 24

The symbol today is a crown and a cross.


Jesus: King and criminal.

Jesse Tree Day 24Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 04:39

Isaiah 53


Advent Day 25

The symbol today is the nativity.


Jesus is born in Bethlehem.

Jesse Tree Day 25Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 06:52

Matthew 1:18-21; Luke 2:1-20


Advent Day 26

The symbol today is a stone.


Jesus the stumbling stone.
Stephen the first martyr, stoned to death.

Jesse Tree Day 26Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 08:13

Luke 20:17-18; Acts 2; Acts 6-7


Advent Day 27

The symbol today is a quill pen.


The record. The journal.

Jesse Tree Day 27Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 03:52

Deuteronomy 31:24-26; Jeremiah 36:4


Advent Day 28

The symbol today is a fetus.


The unborn.
The slaughter of the innocents.

Jesse Tree Day 28Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 02:33

Matthew 2:16-18


Advent Day 29

The symbol today is an angel.


Warned in a dream. Escape to Egypt.

Jesse Tree Day 29Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 01:56

Matthew 2:19-23


Advent Day 30

The symbol today is a pyramid.


Homeless. Hidden.

Jesse Tree Day 30Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 02:47

Ephesians 2:17-22


Advent Day 31

The symbol today is bread and wine.


Eating, drinking and remembering together.

Jesse Tree Day 31Pastor Gayle Evers
00:00 / 03:09

Luke 22:14-20

This ministry is

supported by gifts.*

We rely on your support.


*Not tax deductible.

Note from Pastor Gayle: All our podcasts, videos, handouts, and course materials of any kind are copyrighted by Patricia Gayle Evers. You must ask permission to use "My Journey Through Grief" in any way other than sharing the link. The other class material may be downloaded and printed for personal study. You can even use the other class material for group studies. There are two important caveats:


1. Give credit for the work where it's due.

2. Don't charge for the materials or information. That's super important to me. No charging people to learn about God. Period.


Got it? Okay, then. Have at it!



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