Daniel Ch 2A
Daniel gets a death warrant
King Nebuchadnezzar orders the execution of all his spiritual advisors because no one can interpret his dream. Daniel and his friends spend the night in prayer and God gives Daniel both the dream and the interpretation!
The dream spans all world history from the time of Nebuchadnezzar through to the second coming of Christ.
Daniel Ch 2B
The Dream of the Awesome Statue
The head is gold, the chest and arms are silver, the belly and thighs are bronze, the legs are iron, the feet and toes are iron mixed with clay...and it is all crushed and blown away by a stone not cut by human hands!
What does it mean?
Daniel Ch 3 & 4
In Daniel's absence, the king orders everyone to worship an idol as big as two 18-wheelers. Daniel's friends refuse and are sentenced to immediate death!
They are thrown into a white-hot furnace, but live through it by the hand of God. The king is astonished and his respect for their God grows. The king has another dream and the interpretation is not good news! The sentence passed on the king by God is so severe that even this pagan king is humbled.
Daniel Ch 5 & 6
Babylon is besieged but the king and his nobles party on!
Suddenly, a ghostly hand writes a mysterious message on the wall. Daniel is called in to interpret and predicts the king's downfall. That very night, the king dies and Babylon falls to the Persians. The new king puts Daniel in a high-ranking job, causing the deep and bitter resentment of other high-ranking 'wannabees.' They hatch a plan to assassinate Daniel.
Daniel Ch 7A
Daniel has a vision of four strange beasts rising up out of the sea
Beast 1 is like a lion with wings that becomes man-like,
Beast 2 is like a bear gnawing on three ribs,
Beast 3 is like a leopard with four heads and wings,
But Beast 4 is utterly terrifying with horns that change and grow.
It crushes and tramples and devours its victims. Then God comes and passes judgment. We learn a system for helping sort this all out and make sense out of it.
Daniel Ch 7B
We use our system to interpret Daniel's vision.
We now know the first beast is the kingdom of Babylon. The second beast is the Medo Persian Empire.The third beast is the Greek Empire.
The fourth beast is an Imperialist Empire that begins with the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. We look at the part of the vision that has not yet been fulfilled and begin to understand some of the events that will occur in the End-Times.
Daniel Ch 9A
Daniel discovers a long-lost prophecy
Daniel stumbles across a prophecy by Jeremiah that says the Babylonian captivity is only to last 70 years -- and time is nearly up!
What is the significance of the 70 years?
Does Daniel's prayer for mercy hasten the end of captivity?
Daniel Ch 9B
God sends Gabriel to set Daniel straight
Daniel gets the timing wrong on the events to follow the 70 years of captivity. Gabriel comes to clarify the prophecies and gives Daniel what has been referred to as "the backbone of Biblical prophecy." We also learn what is really meant by the term "righteousness" - and what we learned was not at all what we expected!
Daniel Ch 9C
Gabriel Gives a Timeline in the famous prophecy of the "70 Sevens"
In this famous prophecy, the timespan from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah is revealed - and it is 100% accurate! We find new and deeper meaning to the prophecy's statement that the Messiah will be cut off. We discuss two possible timings for the destruction of Jerusalem and we find out the identity of "the many" who will make a covenant with the Antichrist.
Daniel Ch 10
The Reality behind National Power Struggles
An awesome and mighty angel is sent to give Daniel understanding of the final vision recorded in this book of Scripture...but he is waylaid by the evil spirit ruling Persia.
The archangel Michael comes to the rescue, holding off the Persian spirit just long enough for the angel to come to Daniel with the message.We look at what these spiritual realities mean to a physical world.
Does this kind of power struggle still happen today?
What is really going on in the world?
Daniel Ch 11A
History Recorded in Advance in Heaven
The angel reveals specific events to Daniel that span the next 350 years. Victories, defeats, alliances, murders and betrayals...Each revelation was fulfilled in the exact manner and exact order prophesied.
Daniel Ch 11C & 12
The final chapter in Daniel
Although the Antichrist rises to power quickly, his reign is short-lived. When he declares himself to be god believers in the True and Living God fight back. The power of the Antichrist seems limitless, but just when the power of the saints is broken...God comes to their defense. Jesus Christ comes, the Antichrist is utterly defeated, the saints reign victorious!